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Therapies for the Mind

Hypnotherapy Harrogate

As an qualified, insured and experienced therapist Rachael works with clients in many different ways. Clinical Hypnotherapy addresses causes of issues and problems. Together she can work with you to address and overcome these.


Hypnotherapy helps get to the root of a problem. An effective treatment of a wide range of physical and emotional issues.


Helping treat negative behaviours such as  depression, ones that could be worsening a persons health and wellbeing such as drinking and smoking or other addictions. People may be experiencing low self-esteem and lack of confidence.


During your one on one personal session Rachael can work with you to experience a deep and relaxing state helping you receive the best possible treatment.



Hypnotherapy can help with many issues -




Anxiety& Stress

 Smoking+ Addictions


Sleep Issues

Weight Issues

Chronic Pain

Disclaimer: Success can never be guaranteed, as everyone is different. Hypnotheray is most effective when the client is fully engaged and committed to the therapy.

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